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doc. Ing. Jiří Martan, PhD.

Expert - Thermodiagnostics and laser microprocessing +420 377 634 718 +420 608 832 865

 Linkedin ResearchGate Publons ORCID

  • Head of laser microprocessing and thermodiagnostics research team
  • Development of measuring methods for laser microtechnologies
  • Fast temperature measurement, thermal processes and thermal properties
  • International cooperation, project management, publication of results

doc. (2019)
University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
associate professor in the field of Mechanical Engineering (Development of measuring systems for measurement of the thermal properties of material surfaces and thermal processes in laser processing of material by pulsed lasers)

Ph.D. (2005)
University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
and Ecole Polytechnique of University of Orleans, France
Physics of plasma and thin films, Laser material interaction (Thermo-kinetic model of laser-material interaction in the form of criteria equations)

Ing. (2001)
University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Physics of technological processes and physical technology (Plasma physics and its applications, Physics and engineering of solid materials, Physical technologies of thin surface films deposition)

  • 2010 → present 
    New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia,
    senior researcher
  • 2017 → present
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UWB, Pilsen, Department of machining technology (KTO), Assoc. Professor
  • 2005 → 2011
    Departement of Physics, University of West Bohemia,
  • 2000 → 2004
    New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia,
    research assistant
  • 2022, 2023
    two-week stay experimental stay in LHM laboratory, Mittweida, Germany
  • 2019
    one-week experimental stay in LP3 laboratory, Marseille, France
  • 2017, 2018
    Annual meeting of the European Laser Institute (ELI) in Munich or Aachen
  • 2012 → 2024
    Annual meeting of the European Technology Platform Photonics21 (Brussels, Belgium)
    Member of the Board of Stakeholders in the period 2017 – 2021, 2022 – 2026
  • 2002 → 2004
    Groupe de Recherches sur l’Energétique des Milieux Ionisés (GREMI), University of Orleans, France (6 + 9 months)
  • Publications
    H-index – 14, times cited – 539, impacted journal articles – 36, contributions to proceedings – 22
  • Applied Research
    international patent – 2, function samples – 12, verified technologies – 9, prototypes – 10, contractual research reports – 18, software – 3


  • R&D projects:
    • 2023 → 2028
      key researcher of project MEBioSys – Mechanical engineering of biological and bio-inspired systems, leader of WP B.2.1 Laser-induced micro-/nano-structuring and thermodiagnostics, funding provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
    • 2021 → 2024
      international project leader – M-era.Net ADVENTURE – Advanced coating substrate preparation by shifted and ultrafast laser texturing, funding provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR)
    • 2018 → 2022
      key researcher of Project LABIR-PAV: Pre-application research of infrared technologies, funding provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
    • 2016 → 2019
      co-investigator of project INTERREG, TheCoS – “Thermoplastic composite structures”, CZ-Bayer, Process Chain for Manufacturing Composite Structures with Thermoplastic Matrix, Consisting of Composite Material Manufacturing Process and Laser Welding as a Joining Technology
    • 2015 → 2019
      member of the research team of project MŠMT-42495/2014 LO1402 CENTEM+
    • 2015 → 2016
      member of the research team of project TG02010011 Laser textured surfaces for tribological applications
    • 2014 → 2016
      co-investigator of project GA14-18938S Morphology evolution of nano- and micro-cellular polymeric foams
    • 2014 → 2015
      principal investigator of project SPIE 00547924 Grant to organize a teacher training with Photonics Explorer kits2
    • 2009 → 2015
      member of the research team of project MPO FR-TI 4/701 Vision of the Future – Helical Water Beam
    • 2013 → 2014
      principal investigator of project SPIE 00349998 Photonics Explorer kit – teacher training and kits distribution for engagement of students in optics and photonics
    • 2011 → 2014
      member of the research team of project CENTEM New Technology and Materials Centre – research programme C3 – Laser Technology for Material Processing and Analysis
    • 2009 → 2012
      member of the research team of project MPO FR-TI 1/273 Research and development of high-emissivity composite coatings for high-temperature applications
    • 2007 → 2011
      member of the research team of project FRVŠ 389-2007 Infrared spectrometry laboratory
    • 2005 → 2011
      member of the research team of institutional research plan MSM4977751302 Processes in discharge plasmas and new thin film materials with unique properties
    • 2007 → 2009
      principal investigator of grant project GAČR 202/07/P027 Measurement of thin films thermal properties and their temperature dependences
  • 2001 → dosud
    • University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Applied Sciences
      • Supervision and opposition of bachelor’s and master’s theses
        • Selected laboratory exercises of subjects
        • Measurement in physical technologies
        • Modeling of thermal processes in physical technologies
        • Physics practicum
      • Theoretical exercises in physics
    • University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
      • Supervision of diploma and dissertation theses
      • Opponents of dissertations for the state doctoral examination
      • Chairman and member of the commissions for the state doctoral examination
      • Member of the branch council of the doctoral study program
      • Guaranteeing and selected lectures and exercises from the subject: Laser Technologies of machining and material processing
  • 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011
    University of Orleans, France

    • one-week lecture stay within the project Erasmus – Quantitative Thermography
  • 2017 → 2021, 2022 → present
    The European Technology Platform Photonics21 (elected to the Board of Stakeholders)
  • 2022 → 2023
    EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium
  • 2017 → 2022
    ELI – European Laser Institute e.V. (member)