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MEBioSys – Mechanical Engineering of biological and bioinspired systems

Project Title:

Mechanical Engineering if biological and bioinspired systems

Registration code


Funding provider / Programme

EU, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) Top Research 

Brno University of Technology,

Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences,

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – New Technologies – Research Centre (NTC),

University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague,

Czech Technical University in Prague

Project start


Project end



I. Implementation of top-level research utilizing the convergence of biological and technological evolution divided into two research objectives:

Objective A – Bioinspired Mechatronic Systems in the following topics:

Development of materials based on theoretical approaches and bioinspiration;
Superlubricity of mechanical components inspired by biosystems;
Development of SMART material structures and bioinspired metamaterial systems;

Objective B – Mechatronic Systems for Biomedical Engineering in the following topics:

Hybrid and composite biomaterials;
Surface modification and nanostructuring of biomaterials;
Mechatronic systems for biomedicine

II. Development of international cooperation and increase of research internationalization – through research stays (mobility) of team members at top foreign institutions and visits of top foreign experts, preparation of international projects, and cooperation on improving teaching at universities.

III. Modernization and upgrade of infrastructure – complementation of infrastructure equipment for the implementation of planned top-level research.

Key words
bionics, biomimetics, composites, metamaterials, additive manufacturing, superlubricity, biomaterials, surface modifications, polymers, depot systems for biological systems, implants, mechatronics
