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Projekt SPIE 0000000065 – LabIR Edu: explore invisible dimensions of our lives

Název projektu

LabIR Edu: explore invisible dimensions of our lives

Ev. č. projektu



SPIE – The international society for optics and photonics


SPIE Education Outreach Grants Program

Hlavní řešitel

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni / Nové technologie – výzkumné centrum

Zahájení řešení


Ukončení řešení



Activities of LabIR Edu started with development of a special infrared “IR” camera for education. Experts from research centre NTC used their more than twenty years of experience in the field of infrared measurement and technologies to develop and design it as an innovative teaching tool for schools. They were motivated by teachers’ enthusiasm when working with a professional IR camera. Teachers could finally see thermal reactions of their experiments and wanted the same for their students. That brought the team to the idea that IR cameras could be used in school teaching if they make them affordable and easy to use.

We want to give students a chance to work hands-on with photonics. Thanks to LabIR Edu Kit, school lessons could become explorative, fun and at the same time meaningful. They help students understand how heat and thermal processes work and let them really “see” the subject being taught. Teaching using IR cameras encourages creativity, and other scientific skills necessary to pursue careers in technical and natural sciences fields. The grant would allow us to continue on last year’s activities supported by SPIE when we have met the set goals by introducing LabIR Edu Kit in two Czech regions – West and South Bohemia. This year we plan to expand our activities to the entire Czech Republic. The grant is intended to organise teacher training with the IR camera and lend LabIR Edu Kits including 10 IR cameras to schools throughout the Czech Republic.

Celkové náklady

5.000 USD
